On the third week before Christmas, my true love gave to me new screens for my porch. While not an item on most folks’ Christmas wish list, I’m tickled sparkly red and green with the present. What value is a screened porch without the screen? As a life-long member of the international bug bait society, I need protection from a host of biting varmints living in the surrounding woods. You would think the constant breeze on our hilltop blows them away. Wrong. After a strong thunderstorm, the critters remain but one or more of my screen panels may not. Therefore, my Santa is a carpenter this year, which seems appropriate considering the reason for the season possesses the same skills. For recommendations about His work, give yourself or someone else a year’s worth of inspiring true stories by reading Walking in Grace 2023. Available from Guideposts and Amazon. Once again, I’m honored to be a contributor to the book.
What unusual items have you seen on Christmas wish lists through the years?
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